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My 2nd Craft Booth Experience

Let me begin this post by saying I am NOT a writer by any means, so if this sounds all jumbled up, please accept my apology in advance. Now that that's established, let's jump right into it!

So, I'll be honest, this "craft fair" wasn't exactly everything I expected and more. Technically, it wasn't even a craft fair... more like a convenience for parents who wanted something to look at while their son/daughter was getting ready for the winter guard competition. In saying this, I want to note that I am EXTREMELY grateful for this opportunity & that even though we only really made what we paid for the booth, it got my name out there!

Okay, so I'm not sure how many people will actually keep my card and check out my website, but HEY, out a few hundred people (possibly a thousand) who passed my booth today, I think atleast a few will.

And that's just it.


People will begin to finally know who I am. & for that reason, I will keep crocheting, keep working hard, and most all, never give up.

I love what I do, so much that it's the very first thing I do when I wake up and the very last thing I do before going to bed.

There is far too many who don't follow their dreams & get stuck doing the same work they hate day after day... year after year, with a little paid vacation and sick days from time-to-time. I want to break this mold. I know that me posting this won't do much, but the least I can do is encourage you to do something MORE.

So I will end this little side note with a quote I saw on facebook earlier this week and get back to why I started this post.


My 2nd Craft Booth

-most of my merchandise was inspired by multiple crochet books, magazines, but mostly by the very creative blogger & crocheter named ....I encourage you all to check out her blog, OneDogWoof, for some very helpful tips and patterns!-

My lovely cousin modeling her new Easter hat

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If you would like to purchase the finished product, you can do so here.

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